2A Modified
2A Modified has a 2 inch top size mixed with coarse stone and crushed stone dust. Used for driveways, walking paths, road base and under slab. 2A modified compacts well and also allows for drainage.
2B stone has a 1½ inch top size. It is a clean material and will not compact. Used for backfill for retaining walls, subase for sheds or driveway stone.
Stone Dust
1B stone has a ½ inch top size. It is a clean material and will not compact. Used for decorative purposes and walkways. Can also be used as a pipe bedding material.
Stone Dust, often referred to as Cracker Dust, has a 3/8 inch top size and sizes down to a silt sized material. Used for pipe bedding and walkways. Stone dust will not compact and drains slowly.